Mais que Software.

Fornecemos análises e suporte personalizados para ajudá-lo a tomar decisões comerciais informadas. Nossa missão é ajudá-lo a construir uma estratégia comercial mais lucrativa para as commodities que afetam seus negócios.

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Lexington, Kentucky

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Chicago, Illinois

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Conheça Nossa Equipe


Ken Rietz

Director of Technical Platform & Research

Ken holds a Ph.D. and was trained in mathematics, receiving degrees from MIT and the University of Michigan. For many years Ken taught mathematics and modeling which led him to his desire for advanced training in technical analysis and training. Ken also brings experience in computer programming and commodities market research to the Fundamental Analytics team. 

Andreas Anastasiadis

Research Analyst

Andreas graduated with honors from the Financial and Banking Management Department at the University of Piraeus (Unipi) with his M.A in Quantitative Finance. He was an SNF Scholar and received his Financial Markets Trading minor from Deree-American College of Greece, parallel with his undergraduate studies at Unipi. Andreas has been accepted with merit scholarship for studying in ALBA MSc in Finance, starting from September 2023. Andreas works as a research analyst for commodities, equities, and alternative investments.  

Oleh Chersak

Research Analyst

Oleh graduated from the Financial and Banking Management Department at the University of Piraeus where he gained a great deal of knowledge in equity analysis, alternative investments, analysis of macroeconomy factors, derivative markets, and banking. Oleh performs analysis and creates reports on the Fundamental Analytics platform based on the moves of major energy and agricultural commodities.


John Charalambakis

Sócio-Diretor, BlackSummit Financial Group

John obteve seu Ph.D. em economia e um MBA com ênfase em macro-tendências e mercados financeiros. Ele é professor de Economia e Finanças, além de consultor de alocação de ativos há mais de vinte anos. Além de seu trabalho em consultoria financeira, John trabalhou ao lado de agências governamentais, corporações e grupos sem fins lucrativos em vários países, oferecendo apoio recente à Comissão de Inquérito sobre Crise Financeira do Congresso. 

Rachel Poole Mustor

Director of Operations

Rachel graduated from the Patterson School at the University of  Kentucky with her M.A. in Diplomacy and International Commerce. She also has a B.A. in Business and Spanish from Asbury University with a B.A. in Business and Spanish. At Fundamental Analytics, Rachel manages the day-to-day operations and directs research staff. 

Jesse Moore

Director of Marketing

Jesse is currently earning a M.A. in Diplomacy and International Commerce the Patterson School at the University of Kentucky. He also has a B.A. in International Studies from the University of Kentucky. Jesse leads marketing efforts for Fundamental Analytics.

BlackSummit Financial Group manages and works alongside Fundamental Analytics, providing analysis and customization services for the users of Fundamental Analytics. With a wide range of knowledge in economics, financial markets, and financial analysis, BlackSummit can assist users in interpreting and analyzing trends on Fundamental Analytics.

Nossa História

O que nossos assinantes dizem

“Fundamental Analytics tem sido um valioso software para mim. É amigável com grande funcionalidade. O Fundamental Analytics é fácil de aprender e, depois de aprendê-lo, ele tem muitas personalizações disponíveis. As tabelas e gráficos são agradáveis de ler com muitos recursos convenientes e úteis.”

Andrew Gordon, DVTrading

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Ken Rietz